Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Does Your Dog Symbolize Your Significant Other?

Falling head over heals for a perfect stranger because he was handsome and said the right thing at the right time, without even asking his name.  Spontaneously bringing home a puppy from the pet store because it was cute and gave you a bath of kisses, without researching the breed.  Lucky for puppies and men it isn't hard to win a girls heart. All it takes is a wagging tail, puppy eyes, and a few charming words. 

This weekend while shopping for a puppy, a very witty observation was brought to my attention.  After
telling the dog trainer I was interested in purchasing a Siberian Husky,  he asked me what it is I like about them.  I replied "their striking blue eyes, beautiful fur coat, strong robust construction.  I love that they are independent, easy going, forgiving, clean, fun, active, intelligent and don't bark much"

He then asked me what I look for in a man.  I laughed and basically repeated the answers to the first question.  He then said "If you date guys based on their looks, do not mind if he gives you the same attention he gives everyone else, can accept that he will never actually love you and you are okay with him running away the minute he is given freedom or someone different comes along.. then a husky is a great fit for you."

Taken back and somewhat speechless by this perfect example that was put in front of me, I decided to look into other breeds.  If only men came with profiles as honest as these...
"Extremely intelligent, charming and proper loves to cuddle and show affection, but tends to be possessive at times"- Pappillon (right)

"Incredibly gentle and sweet and will always be eager to please you"- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel(left)

"Flirtatious and affectionate with everyone and anything, loves to be the center attention and tends to be loud at times"- Havanese (right)


"Not good with children, however good nurtured, friendly, athletic, loyal and protective"- poodle(left)

"Loves to eat, requires a lot of attention, does not care about health or hygiene, lazy, snores- but great with children"- Bulldog(right)

 "Great with children, good- nurtured, family orientated, good at sharing and respecting others space"- Labrador Retriever (left)

"Strong with an intimidating appearance, loyal, affectionate, loves to give kisses, great with children.  Known for their dangerous reputation"- Pit Bull (right)

After reading descriptions like these I felt like I just joined an online dating service! Can it be possible that women look for the same qualities in their men as they do their dogs? 

What kind of dog are you? Take this quiz... I am a Chihuahua

Click here to read about me :)


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